twn - Taxa Waterbeheer Nederland voor R
The TWN-list (Taxa Waterbeheer Nederland) is the Dutch standard for naming taxons in Dutch Watermanagement. This package makes it easier to use the TWN-list for ecological analyses. It consists of two parts. First it makes the TWN-list itself available in R. Second, it has a few functions that make it easy to perform some basic and often recurring tasks for checking and consulting taxonomic data from the TWN-list.
Last updated 4 months ago
4.11 score 13 scripts 718 downloadsaquodom - Access to Aquo domaintables from R (Dutch)
The Aquo Standard is the Dutch Standard for the exchange of data in water management. With *aquodom* (short for aquo domaintables) it is easy to exploit the API (<>) to download domaintables of the Aquo Standard and use them in R.
Last updated 3 years ago
2.70 score 6 scripts 295 downloads